Sunday, 1 April 2007

Tilly and the Sign on the Wall

Today we finally saw the new sign in the waggons of the viennese underground. They exchanged an old man with an old woman, a blind man with a blind woman and a mother with her kid with a father. They did leave a few of the old ones though, which is good.

I like that idea. But they also intended to change the emergency exit. Quite horrible. You can see it in the story of Mr. Zachbauer on (in German).
And now a question to you my reader: I am planning to go to the Tilly and the Wall concert on April 13th in the Flex. They are going to support CSS from Brazil. They are funny and I like the idea of leaving the drums at home and having a tap dancer do the work. So if somebody wants to come, join me.
Other concerts in April:
MXPX, WUK, 11.4.
Garish, WUK, 17.4.
Anajo, Arena, 18.4.
Kosheen, WUK, 21.4.
Chicks on Speed, Gartenbaukino, 28.4.

And my recommendation/selection from the Donaufestival 2007:
Jamie Lidell, Pablo Fiasco, Gonzales & Mocky, Klangraum Krems Minoritenkirche, 28.4.
Maybe as an addition: Gonzales Solo Piano, Klangraum Krems Minoritenkirche, 29.4.

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