Thursday 19 July 2007

Four weeks left

So far in this week I wrote seven applications. Today two. With a big headache over me. Normally it started in the evenings. Today it started shortly after breakfast. In German there is the wonderful word Kopfzerbrechen (breaking your head), but there is no proper translation for that. I am doing hard falling asleep since I realised how little time there is really left. I always think of how I can get my medicine over there without complications. Meaning not being allowed to take it with me in the cabine bag, worrying that it could be damaged in the air being in the checked bag. I still was not able to figure out what is the best way.
After dumping the idea of a farewell party I just will meet with a handfull people. I do not have so much important friends, who I am really going to miss. One hand is sufficient to count them.
Shortly before my departure I will meet with an old friend of mine, who is coming back from Mongolia, for an picture-evening. Looking forward to that.
My head is trying to explode again.
