Monday 18 February 2008


Oh my! That casserole we had today was deliciousssss!!!!! No picture though, maybe I’ll make one tomorrow. Had a beautiful sunset today, with the moon in the back.

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Sunday 17 February 2008

Baking, Cooking, Baking

Here’s now a proper but blurry picture of the poopy seed strudel.

Today I made a bread again. This time using a bread tin, so it won’t be in the shape of a cake. Good again and nice.

As an addition to the parsley potatoes, carrot and pepper marinated filets, I made a pepper sauce for the first time. Delicious!

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Saturday 16 February 2008

Too long Johnny

This entry is for E., who complained that I did not post anything recently.
Yesterday I finished Extremely loud & incredibly close. “I’m still wearing heavy boots.” I can really recommend that book to everyone, it is a must-read.

The Whitest Boy Alive at the Electric Ballroom, 07/02/08

This week I was very lazy concerning Thing-a-Day. I not good in doing something on the tube or during my lunch break. I either read (I finished the book within five days, which is good, when you keep in mind that I was at work on four days out of those five.), talk or feel too sick for doing anything (I hate the Metropolitan line! It is so shabby and wobbly, that I could vomit all over the train …). And because I am really not into drawing (more into painting, but I do not have the materials), I haven’t done anything worth mentioning. I will upload one picture, which I quite like. I made it on my way to work. Everyday the sun rises three minutes earlier and you can really feel the difference. It’s amazing!

The Whitest Boy Alive at the Electric Ballroom, 07/02/08

My hand was also hurting every now and then, which kept we away from my computer at home. On Wednesdays I have my choir rehearsal and on Thursdays I hopefully practise my juggling some more. Fridays are here to chill out and phone home. I forgot Tuesdays: I am coming home at about half past seven and do stuff one does when s/he comes home from work so late and I prepare for bed. So, I am sorry, but from Tue to Fri I am really not up to do something to be worth posting. But I make a picture every now and then.

On my way to work, 06:44 am. You can already anticipate the sun rising.

I flipped through the recent photographs and I will post a few in/with that entry.
At the beginning of March I will get an assessment from my manager, if I got it right, besides that my wage will go up a bit. I really hope, that I can get the tax back I am paying right now, because it is immensely high! As I only work for three months in the UK tax year of 2007/2008, it is just a matter of me insisting on getting it. I haven’t heard anything regarding Council/Housing Benefit yet, which pisses me off (like missing the Chiltern train in the morning). I don’t want to phone them and tell them to their †¿§‰?"*)+!=•¡ job.

On my way to the office. I can see where I go! 07:34 am

Right now I am also waiting for the tax rebate from Austria. It takes so long because I received jobseeker’s allowance for a while. That’s unfortunate, but I can hardly change it.
I started the first book of Harry Potter today. It’s so much thinner than the last one! Good, I think that’s it for now …

Too long Johnny

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Monday 11 February 2008

Mushroom Soup

Today I made Mushroom Soup! Awful picture! But it was goooood.

Mushroom Soup

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Sunday 10 February 2008

Poppy seed strudel

Today I made a siamese poppy seed strudel. When the dough is ok, something else must go wrong. But I made it for the first time. It tastes good, but looks horrible!

Thing a Day X 100208

Thing a Day X 100208

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Camden Lock Market

I have been there three times. In November 2007, shortly before New Year’s Eve with S. and D. and last Thursday to see the magnificent Whitest Boy Alive. But yesterday evening it turned into ashes. I am glad that we’ve been there for quite a while in December, because as Mr Rotifer wrote, it might not be the same again after that. But I am really shocked, because we’ve recently been there, enjoyed a burger in one of the pubs located in the Camden Lock Market and awesome music.

BBC News

Update: It seems that another part was struck by the fire. It is located behind the Camden Lock Market, called Stables Market. We have seen that as well ...

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Saturday 9 February 2008

Tidy desk

On Thursday I did some socializing and on Friday I recovered from the lack of sleep, which is why there are two things missing. My right hand is also hurting. I guess because of working at the computer up to 10 hours a day. I decided to finally tidy my desktop before I allow myself to try Adobe CS3. But with my handicap (I moved the mouse to the left of the keyboard) I guess I will more likely just read and I still have to make the dishes. Below you see a before shot and a sequence of the work in progress.

Thing a Day IX 090208

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Wednesday 6 February 2008


Beautiful snowdrops, blurry picture. Still no snow seen in the UK. But SNOWDROPS! YAYYYYYY!!!! I am knackered so that is it for the day. No idea if I will be able to upload something tomorrow or Friday, because Thursday is a concert and Friday either concert or Chinatown.

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Tuesday 5 February 2008


Today I had an idea and I just did it. The outcome isn't that good, because I am not that good with the pencil. But see for yourself. If you click on the picture you can see it in high resolution, if you'd like to see details.

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Monday 4 February 2008

New home page

I learned today that the starting page of a web page is the home page, which means the whole web presence is not the home page. I created a new home page today with a nice picture (at least I like it). I wrote a few welcoming words on the second page, which you get to when you click on the picture and I also updated my “About” section.

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Sunday 3 February 2008

Origami Lily

In lack of proper Origami paper I had to use what I had at home. I wrote the names of people, who are important to me, on it and repeated them. They fitted all the same time, so there are no preferences. On the bottom right-hand corner I wrote “me”.

Thing-a-day III 030208

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Saturday 2 February 2008

New pictures online

On Thursday I got my film back from the photo studio. Today I post-processed one half of the chosen ones. During my upload process (moving them to another folder on my computer) I found other pictures, ready to upload, but not up yet. So I uploaded the old/new ones and the brand new pictures as well.
Here you can find the new pictures. at the bottom you can see two pictures. One of the old/new pics and one of the newer ones.

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Friday 1 February 2008

It's a beautiful day

I took a walk during my lunch break today, which isn't always the case as I only have half an hour. As you can see it was an awesome day! A bit chilly, but if you walk fast enough it is ok. I had something else in mind but took my camera with me (after months of not doing so), in case something comes up. This picture is one lucky shot. I didn’t take a series of shots. I did a bit of post-processing to make it look like I really wanted. Now after one boring day at the office I guess I will take a closer look to a few other projects. Have a nice weekend and read you tomorrow.

Thing-a-day I 010208

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